Our Services
Our approach is comprehensive and interdisciplinary based on an initial interview followed by a personalised action plan. We assess and treat neurological, psychological, emotional and behavioural needs arising from neurodevelopment, trauma and life circumstances. We address learning disabilities, autistic spectrum, neurodevelopmental problems, emotional and behavioural disorders, stroke, cognitive impairment, motor, visual and cognitive disabilities, among others.
Our approach is comprehensive and interdisciplinary based on an initial assessment followed up by a personalised action plan. We evaluate and treat neurological, physiological, emotional and behavioural needs including those derived from neurodevelopment, trauma and life circumstances. These include Learning Difficulties, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurodevelopmental problems, Behavioural issues, Cerebrovascular injuries, Cognitive deterioration, Motor or Cognitive impairments or disabilities.
Our Services
Our approach is comprehensive and interdisciplinary based on an initial interview followed by a personalised action plan. We assess and treat neurological, psychological, emotional and behavioural needs arising from neurodevelopment, trauma and life circumstances. We address learning disabilities, autistic spectrum, neurodevelopmental problems, emotional and behavioural disorders, stroke, cognitive impairment, motor, visual and cognitive disabilities, among others. Our approach is comprehensive and interdisciplinary based on an initial assessment followed up by a personalised action plan. We evaluate and treat neurological, physiological, emotional and behavioural needs including those derived from neurodevelopment, trauma and life circumstances. These include Learning Difficulties, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurodevelopmental problems, Behavioural issues, Cerebrovascular injuries, Cognitive deterioration, Motor or Cognitive impairments or disabilities.

General health psychology: psicoterapia individual para adultos o infanto-juvenil, terapia de parejas, terapia familiar; desde diferentes enfoques (Terapia Cognitivo Conductual, Psicodinámica, Integradora, EMDR, etc), adaptada a las necesidades y los objetivos de cada persona.
Tratamos problemas emocionales, gestión y regulación de emociones), estrés, ansiedad, trauma (trastorno de estrés postraumático, trauma relacionado con los vínculos de apego o infancia…), trastornos de alimentación, secuelas del acoso escolar o bullying, secuelas del acoso laboral o mobbing, violencia de género, violencia sexual, pensamientos recurrentes y obsesivos, problemas de conducta, dificultad en la tolerancia a la frustración, dificultades en el control de la impulsividad y la ira, falta de motivación, crisis vitales, habilidades sociales, mejora de la calidad de las relaciones, abordaje y mediación familiar, Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) y Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH).
Neuropsychology: From neuroscience, to contribute to the psychological processes of children and their families in attention to learning difficulties and all those that affect psychological development and memory, attention and language in order to provide strategies to have a better quality of life.
The following services are offered to adults and seniors:
- Assessment of cognitive functions
- Neuropsychological reports
- Rehabilitation after traumatisms and brain accidents (strokes, aneurysms, tumors, brain infarctions...)
- Cognitive psychostimulation in healthy and pathological ageing (cognitive impairment and dementia).
- Individual and group sessions
- Possible home care
Based on an initial assessment, the need to apply neuropsychological tests is determined in order to identify the most affected executive functions and to determine a comprehensive intervention plan for each person.
Educational psychology: learning disorders, study habits, difficulties in executive functions (planning, organization, etc.) are addressed.
Evaluation and diagnosis: learning and neurodevelopmental disorders: ADHD, ASD, cognitive abilities, executive functions, dyslexia, emotional, attentional and behavioral problems...

General health psychology: psicoterapia individual para adultos o infanto-juvenil, terapia de parejas, terapia familiar; desde diferentes enfoques (Terapia Cognitivo Conductual, Psicodinámica, Integradora, EMDR, etc), adaptada a las necesidades y los objetivos de cada persona.
Tratamos problemas emocionales, gestión y regulación de emociones), estrés, ansiedad, trauma (trastorno de estrés postraumático, trauma relacionado con los vínculos de apego o infancia…), trastornos de alimentación, secuelas del acoso escolar o bullying, secuelas del acoso laboral o mobbing, violencia de género, violencia sexual, pensamientos recurrentes y obsesivos, problemas de conducta, dificultad en la tolerancia a la frustración, dificultades en el control de la impulsividad y la ira, falta de motivación, crisis vitales, habilidades sociales, mejora de la calidad de las relaciones, abordaje y mediación familiar, Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) y Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH).
Neuropsychology: From neuroscience, to contribute to the psychological processes of children and their families in attention to learning difficulties and all those that affect psychological development and memory, attention and language in order to provide strategies to have a better quality of life.
The following services are offered to adults and seniors:
- Assessment of cognitive functions
- Neuropsychological reports
- Rehabilitación tras traumatismos y accidentes cerebrales (ictus, aneurismas, tumores, infartos cerebrales…)
- Cognitive psychostimulation in healthy and pathological ageing (cognitive impairment and dementia).
- Individual and group sessions
- Possible home care
Based on an initial assessment, the need to apply neuropsychological tests is determined in order to identify the most affected executive functions and to determine a comprehensive intervention plan for each person.
Educational psychology: learning disorders, study habits, difficulties in executive functions (planning, organization, etc.) are addressed.
Evaluation and diagnosis: learning and neurodevelopmental disorders: ADHD, ASD, cognitive abilities, executive functions, dyslexia, emotional, attentional and behavioral problems...

Specialization in childhood and adolescence: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up for children and young people up to the age of 18. Additional training in neurodevelopmental disorders, disorders of the emotions, conduct and childhood-onset psychosis, eating disorders and ADHD (in childhood and its evolution to adulthood), and personality disorders.

Specialization in childhood and adolescence: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up for children and young people up to the age of 18. Additional training in neurodevelopmental disorders, disorders of the emotions, conduct and childhood-onset psychosis, eating disorders and ADHD (in childhood and its evolution to adulthood), and personality disorders.

Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology: Branch of legal psychology that applies the principles and general research of this discipline to advise judges and courts in disputes of various jurisdictional orders. The forensic psychologist is an expert for those issues related to psychology that require clarification or an expert opinion in a trial. To do this, psychological assessments are used: psychological evaluations, analysis of obtained data, and the preparation of technical, impartial, and rigorously scientific reports that advise judges on the issues they request.
These reports are often especially necessary in civil and/or criminal cases related to the aftermath of the victim or the lack of credibility of their testimony (gender-based violence, sexual violence, child abuse, workplace harassment or mobbing, school harassment or bullying, moral wrongs, and psychological consequences, etc.) or Family cases and/or those related to minors (custody, choice or modification of visitation schedule, challenging of guardianships, parental suitability, etc.).

General Medicine (GP)

Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology: Branch of legal psychology that applies the principles and general research of this discipline to advise judges and courts in disputes of various jurisdictional orders. The forensic psychologist is an expert for those issues related to psychology that require clarification or an expert opinion in a trial. To do this, psychological assessments are used: psychological evaluations, analysis of obtained data, and the preparation of technical, impartial, and rigorously scientific reports that advise judges on the issues they request.
These reports are often especially necessary in civil and/or criminal cases related to the aftermath of the victim or the lack of credibility of their testimony (gender-based violence, sexual violence, child abuse, workplace harassment or mobbing, school harassment or bullying, moral wrongs, and psychological consequences, etc.) or Family cases and/or those related to minors (custody, choice or modification of visitation schedule, challenging of guardianships, parental suitability, etc.).

General Medicine (GP)

Neurorehabilitation: We have a multidisciplinary approach that includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Our main objective is to respond to the specific needs of each person, directing the treatment to restore, minimize or compensate as much as possible the functional deficits caused as a result of a central nervous system injury.
Physical therapy: Expertise in pediatric, neurological, sports and trauma physiotherapy. The main objective is to attend children and adults who require treatment for some type of pathology or pathological condition, to acquire or restore the integrity of the body systems. In the pediatric area, an assessment and treatment of those children (0 to 17 years old) with a delay in normal development, a disorder in movement and different traumatological pathologies is carried out. With adults, the objective is to prevent and treat trauma, sports, orthopedic, rheumatologic, geriatric and different neurological pathologies.
Occupational Therapy: it is a social-health profession that uses activity as a therapeutic means to work with different types of population to promote autonomy and independence for the performance of their actions in daily life.
Speech therapy: In this type of treatment, they are in charge of detecting the origin of the problem and creating an adequate plan to revert any damage to the auditory, oral and writing functions or to improve any difficulty presented by another type of alteration. It includes diagnosis of pathological alterations, intervention in the area of reading and writing, improvement of the use of the voice and auditory, oral and writing rehabilitation. In the clinical setting, our areas of intervention include
– Aesthetic or phonoaesthetic phonoaudiology: This method focuses on the elongation and relaxation of the orofacial musculature through massage and appropriate contractions, avoiding unnecessary spontaneous movements. BENEFITS:
- Removing bags under eyes and eyelids
- Reducing double chin
- Cheekbone lifting
- Reduce expression marks, wrinkles, and sagging by improving facial circulation and giving a more rested appearance
– Dry needling: technique used for the elimination of pain, optimal treatment for facial paralysis and voice problems. Aesthetically, it is used to relieve facial tension caused by stress, fatigue, etc.
– Facial Lymphatic Drainage: its main purpose is a healing process of an inflammatory phase.

Neurorehabilitation: We have a multidisciplinary approach that includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Our main objective is to respond to the specific needs of each person, directing the treatment to restore, minimize or compensate as much as possible the functional deficits caused as a result of a central nervous system injury.
Physical therapy: Expertise in pediatric, neurological, sports and trauma physiotherapy. The main objective is to attend children and adults who require treatment for some type of pathology or pathological condition, to acquire or restore the integrity of the body systems. In the pediatric area, an assessment and treatment of those children (0 to 17 years old) with a delay in normal development, a disorder in movement and different traumatological pathologies is carried out. With adults, the objective is to prevent and treat trauma, sports, orthopedic, rheumatologic, geriatric and different neurological pathologies.
Occupational Therapy: it is a social-health profession that uses activity as a therapeutic means to work with different types of population to promote autonomy and independence for the performance of their actions in daily life.
Speech therapy: In this type of treatment, they are in charge of detecting the origin of the problem and creating an adequate plan to revert any damage to the auditory, oral and writing functions or to improve any difficulty presented by another type of alteration. It includes diagnosis of pathological alterations, intervention in the area of reading and writing, improvement of the use of the voice and auditory, oral and writing rehabilitation. In the clinical setting, our areas of intervention include
– Aesthetic or phonoaesthetic phonoaudiology: This method focuses on the elongation and relaxation of the orofacial musculature through massage and appropriate contractions, avoiding unnecessary spontaneous movements. BENEFITS:
- Removing bags under eyes and eyelids
- Reducing double chin
- Cheekbone lifting
- Reduce expression marks, wrinkles, and sagging by improving facial circulation and giving a more rested appearance
– Dry needling: technique used for the elimination of pain, optimal treatment for facial paralysis and voice problems. Aesthetically, it is used to relieve facial tension caused by stress, fatigue, etc.
– Facial Lymphatic Drainage: its main purpose is a healing process of an inflammatory phase.

Pedagogy: Pedagogy is the set of theories, methods, and educational practices employed to understand and address learning and developmental difficulties in individuals. Pedagogical principles are applied, adapted to the specific needs of each person, using psycho-pedagogical assessments to identify potential obstacles in the learning process. Its objective is to design personalized educational strategies that promote comprehensive development and overcome detected difficulties, working in collaboration with educators, parents, and other specialists to optimize the individual's learning environment.

Early Intervention
Early Intervention: Early care is the set of assistance and preventive interventions aimed at children from 0 to 6 years old, their families and environment, which aim to respond as soon as possible to the transitory or permanent needs of children with developmental disorders or who are at risk of suffering them.
The main objective of the TA sessions is to stimulate the child to favor and improve their development, while we offer support to families in order to provide information about the disorder or risk situation.
Through play we stimulate the child at many levels: psychomotor, cognitive, social, affective, sensory and linguistic.

Nutrition: our professional will guide you and teach you how to develop a nutritional plan that suits you, identify your nutritional needs, or adjust your menus to intolerances or other medical or organic conditions, allowing you to improve your relationship with food, prevent illness, and take care of your body.
En la actualidad, este servicio solo se ofrece online.

Pedagogy: Pedagogy is the set of theories, methods, and educational practices employed to understand and address learning and developmental difficulties in individuals. Pedagogical principles are applied, adapted to the specific needs of each person, using psycho-pedagogical assessments to identify potential obstacles in the learning process. Its objective is to design personalized educational strategies that promote comprehensive development and overcome detected difficulties, working in collaboration with educators, parents, and other specialists to optimize the individual's learning environment.

Early Intervention
Early Intervention: Early care is the set of assistance and preventive interventions aimed at children from 0 to 6 years old, their families and environment, which aim to respond as soon as possible to the transitory or permanent needs of children with developmental disorders or who are at risk of suffering them.
The main objective of the TA sessions is to stimulate the child to favor and improve their development, while we offer support to families in order to provide information about the disorder or risk situation.
Through play we stimulate the child at many levels: psychomotor, cognitive, social, affective, sensory and linguistic.

Nutrition: our professional will guide you and teach you how to develop a nutritional plan that suits you, identify your nutritional needs, or adjust your menus to intolerances or other medical or organic conditions, allowing you to improve your relationship with food, prevent illness, and take care of your body.
En la actualidad, este servicio solo se ofrece online.

Activities: From Neurofamily, we also offer therapeutic and psychoeducational activities for the entire family, such as:
- Workshops, training sessions, support groups.
- Yoga for children, mothers and fathers with babies, pregnant women.
- Surf - we collaborate with Surf Schools with certified instructors in functional diversity.

Activities: From Neurofamily, we also offer therapeutic and psychoeducational activities for the entire family, such as:
- Workshops, training sessions, support groups.
- Yoga for children, mothers and fathers with babies, pregnant women.
- Surf - we collaborate with Surf Schools with certified instructors in functional diversity.
Contact Us
To receive more information about our centre, please contact us using one of the following means.